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7${_QUf 1B?}I*FgJ Alida吉他岛3.5/ pxCkE( TyEq:�Xb Amber: Journeys Beyond琥珀:漫长的旅程 4:WBsn=;B #{ E/OE Amerzone亚尔默逊:冒险者的遗产/大魔域:白鸟传说 5 u&^TQFX D2{AOT Aura:Faith Of The Ages奥拉:时代的命运 4.5+*3/yi T;qg@B?fa Beyond Time超越时空 2.5>]Ux( lo/]0e.T� Celtica塞尔特人 3 9sY1)Y1 gH)< Chaos: A Fantasy Adventure混沌:幻想历险 3 WZNL^u p Xq+$E Comer天国走廊 3)22FIPF| q}!D)Xv7 Cracking the Conspiracy阴谋真相 3@;6c{SF =C&iY!c8V Crystal Key I水晶之匙I 2.5 xcsc~vOe pcMVVs Crystal Key II: The Far Realm水晶之匙2:遥远国度 2 m`wsO, p)7pyF= Dark Fall I(Dark Fall: The Journal)黑暗降临/黑暗之秋 4.0!hjA;o, de Dark Fall II(Dark Fall: Lights Out)黑暗降临2/黑暗之秋2 3.5)TFAG{\m) &]7@IEOq Derek(Isles of Derek)德里克小岛 3 pl@x}U>de QG'�g+�$P Drowned God沉没的神祉/溺水之神 2.5 N@X!:!H 5>=u=N)fD Entombed Enhanced(aka Pharaoh's Tomb)古墓历险 2.5+d1uSx YO.OYf Forgotten, The(The Forgotten:It Begins)遗忘 2.5HOn:=;~ qs>}pYx& Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster科学怪人 3 B>53fjCOY T9n7Y4.9SY Golden Gate金门大桥 3 u6t.!--W BzL J}`&= Isis伊希斯女神 2.5 9%8|,A'~ !FU|R`+# Lightbringer: The Next Giant Leap for Mankind(aka Cydonia-Mars:The First Manned Mission)H:/PBw 光明使者(首次载人火星计划)3 KA%G[Q>vc Lighthouse:The Dark Being惊悚/灯塔:异界惊魂 3.5@qL_4kX% AC85uD Milo: Find the Key to the Universe米罗:寻找宇宙秘匙 3<6 CNm[| [8p4L 1V#" Mirage海市蜃楼 1.5 m9>%Du FIoS[MBH Morpheus梦神之谜/睡梦之神 4 Qq5$$+~U* +k)@F:4}7 Mummy: Tomb of the Pharaoh木乃伊:法老王之墓 3n#""7 $kec^.0m Nacah希伯来人的冒险 2 p ]6$P,*R duF7/-1{ NET:Zone网络地带 2.5%{rg@L1 O~GpH(0 Obsidian黑曜石 5 rO#j K8!* s$yRwzxIe Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom秦始皇皇陵之谜 3:-vwSup Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles Adventure Game(The Martian Chronicles)火星纪事/火星编年史 3!M9_Lx7 I}L+ma? Rama罗摩 3WIi0 _RT*|' Reah: Face the Unknown利亚古堡 4{WGNO ^gF1hNm? Rhem回归之路 4* fn|+b; \lKude5=&I Rhem II回归之路II 3i<8Dxij UO2p<|v5v Riddle of the Sphinx斯芬克司之谜:埃及冒险 4e4B_\7} ioqUU4 Riddle of the Sphinx II: The Omega Stone斯芬克斯之迷2:欧米茄之石 3 H>[0YCFcH -2yJ,Of5 Schizm: Mysterious Journey神秘之旅:幻界 4.51,ug\F19 NL.8MF Schizm 2(Mysterious Journey II: Chameleon)(3D)神秘之旅2:变色龙 4.;nkj5 6 H6e><'ib Secrets of the Luxor卢克斯特之迷 3 B@[mdL{ i 9`EG~o`+ Sentinel: Descendants in Time(aka Realms of Illusion)(3D)哨兵:后裔(幻想国度) 4 5MB"Ms/M` EUVf [Yu Shivers战栗目击者 4} 2=`& -OR<=="e Shivers 2: Harvest Of Souls战栗目击者2:慑魂之镇 3oZtI},% '(*.( Timelapse颠覆文明/时空消逝 4Kt$yp}F -Fl][Z?8 Titanic: Dare to Discover(aka Titanic: A Mysterious Undersea Adventure)铁达尼号:神秘海底冒险 1 J+zdFh ^3 exB9I Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands魔域帝国:复仇者 4 TTZkFo~$A -?xj. PlVF>u98 BORDERLINE MYST-LIKE或 CROSSOVER GAME游戏\bnc9( C]^93 ------------------------------------------------ xd!%#g# JVK{S.w 7th Guest, The第7访客 304F@8]W 11th Hour, The第11小时 2.5 t`rBk$;T Alice: Interactive Museum爱丽丝:互动美术馆 4 H!�ccl"li A Quiet Weekend In Capri(Capri)卡普里的寂静周末 3 `8WY+X,BG Arrival, The异星访客 3 sb[/K7� Atlantis: The Lost Tales亚特兰蒂斯:失落的传说 3jbK\4D Atlantis II(Beyond Atlantis)亚特兰蒂斯Ⅱ:遥远的国度 3.5�+5{ Atlantis III: The New World(aka Beyond Atlantis 2)亚特兰蒂斯Ⅲ:新世界 2.5@+LOJ( Bioscopia科学系列生物篇:重返魔域 3.5YTv;F Blackstone Chronicles, The(John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in Terror)黑石镇纪事/黑石镇惊魂记 4 U;zmyJ Chemicus: Journey to the Other Side科学系列化学篇:神秘城市旅程/神秘城市查明克探险 2.5 gJL=Xkc Connections: It's a Mind Game头脑竞赛 3 of-.S9cD ECHO: Secrets of the Lost Cavern回声:失落秘洞之迷 3.5 Yg?L[2]5 Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong Nou东方的回忆:Tong Nou迷失的灵魂 2.5Hl�!iQ Egypt 1156 B.C.- Tomb of the Pharaoh埃及:法老王之墓 2 L8;$I Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy埃及II:太阳城的预言 2 Z|=U_}q[ Egyptian Prophecy, The埃及预言 3",N)g3 Faust: Seven Games of the Soul浮士德:七个灵魂的冒险 4<6k]> Forever Worlds: Enter the Unknown永恒的世界 3 8)JT:og< Gadget: Past as Future 4 D6;@m Gord@k 2*|f0Hc JourneyMan Project 1旅人计划1 2.5 W{tc|/>O JourneyMan Project 2(Buried in Time)旅人计划2 4 raNq!.nj JourneyMan Project 3(Legacy of Time)旅人计划3 5(;PNTKHDP Legend of Lotus Spring, The荷花仙子 3't{b}.k L-Zone L地带 3?w|1 Zm_s Mission Sunlight消失的阳光 3*elCLE(rx Mystery of the Nautilus, The(aka Secret of the Nautilus)鹦鹉螺号的秘密 2vWON_O7 Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness无尽的黑梦/等待黎明 3;[Ao*epP Noir: A Shadowy Thriller黑色惊栗事件簿 2.5|m'WAjB>1j Physicus: Save The World with Science科学系列物理篇:科学拯救世界 3aBgo;z+J' Return to Zork重返魔域帝国 3.5{^[}41GZM Sacred Amulet, The(aka Aztec)神圣护身符 3\pL6PI`;! SPQR: The Empire's Darkest Hour罗马帝国黑暗时期 1.5 ] q#(<( Starship Titanic泰坦尼克飞船/星河舰队 2.5 fYHB�6vf TimeScape: Journey to Pompeii(aka Pompei: The Legend of Vesuvius)庞贝历险 2}0Myd96W[x Titanic: Adventure Out of Time泰坦尼克号 3.5@Sm*GIkSz Versailles 1685凡尔赛宫廷疑云1685 3Gb~$c` Versailles II: Testament of the King凡尔赛宫廷疑云2 3%'v(spO Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne月航:儒勒•凡尔纳的启发 5``pwCXd 7 Welcome To The Future回到未来 2 gtkWlY` Weird超自然时空 2.5 MPmbYg@ Zork: Grand Inquisitor魔域帝国审判者 4 V+hO_iYf Zaphie恶灵 B#vlM ?ORHIQS59 {qT#)uF2H PUZZLE游戏#]?dide_ D]($46,#x ---------------------- 5~q q)J$ b*Qqtj Cassandra Galleries, The卡桑德拉美术馆 5 X9QN# Castle of Dr. Brain智慧博士的城堡 4]Le5?PK Dive: The Conquest of Silver Eye深渊 3 24 Hx/ Jewels of the Oracle神喻之宝石/先知的魔宝石 4{&t^w4 Jewels II: The Ultimate Challenge(Gems of Darkness)神喻之宝石2:最后的挑战 3 D+@~PS2 Karma: Curse of the 12 Caves(Quest for Karma)塔克拉玛干:敦煌传奇 y{L" bV(O Labyrinth of Time时间迷宫 3$fI$kwck] Magnetic: The Game of Games催眠冒险记 3 S)*bQb_ Pandora's Box潘多拉魔盒/潘多拉的匣子 3 h*tBy2/u Safecracker保险箱窃贼 2#qYx-]WP Xiama 2.5